With a little inspiration from Jennifer at Peas and Crayons and her shredded jersey scarf, I made this:
oh how I wish I could take decent self-portraits
Let me preface by saying that using a knit sweater was a poor choice, not because it looks bad, but it was a total mess. Little pieces of yarn that resembled Ramen noodles were all over my floor after creating this. I didn't have energy to look for a shirt, but I did have this sweater. There you have it.
I started with a sweater (thank you Capt Obvious)
Cut the front pocket off and then the arms and neck.Fold her in half (although in the future I'll probably skip the fold. You'll see what I mean in a minute) and cut.
Then stretch. This is when the Ramen noodle flecks came with a furry. Once it's laying flat, the Ramen stop. So I think I'll be good wearing it around...if not, it'll be a good scarf to wear if I'm ever lost. I can just following the path of Ramen back to my home.
This is what you're left with. And this is when I decided that folding it in half wasn't going to work.
So I snipped those folds right off. I obviously left the other fold in tact.
And there you have it.
<3 dani