The Hubs says our house is 'dummy proof' because I label everything. Recently, I started using the dishewasher more often. -- this came after many many debates/arguments/conversations discussing the pros and cons -- The Hubs is still trying to find a way to catch the dishwasher guilty of not doing it's job...washing dishes.
So this morning, he's making biscuits and gravy and yells "Aha!" and runs to the living room swinging a spatula at me. "See," he says, "good job dishwasher. Real nice work washing," pointing to caked on food. His excitement was short lived as I mentioned (read: yelled) "the dishwasher hasn't ran yet! Those dishes are dirty!" With his tail between his legs, and my attitude checked, he went back to the kitchen.
Clearly, I haven't put enough time into 'dummy proofing' the dishwasher, but I did today.
You just need a few simple things that you probably already have:
Craft/Scrap Booking Paper
Letter Stickers (or something similar)
An Old Magnet
I didn't show the old magnet I used, but it was one I had received in the mail from some insurance agency boasting "We'll be there for you everyday," right smack in the middle of a yearly calendar. Clever.
Anyway, I simple cut paper to fit my magnet, glued it on, stuck my stickers on and slapped it on the dishwasher.
Now we're "dummy proofed" yet again. All is right with the world.
<3 dani