Monday, March 26, 2012

Mobile Shmobile

Seriously? Mobiles are unbelievably, unnecessarily expensive. And is it possible for them to make one that matches my son's nursery theme? Noooo.

So, once again, we must improvise.

These poofies from inspired me. Of course, I'm not making mine pink. I already get in enough trouble when I make my son watch Clueless and sing Madonna. Heaven forbid he have pink poofies in his room ;-)  

My version:

Here's what I did. 

For the large poof, I took 10 sheets of tissue paper out of their package, unfolded them, then refolded accordion style. Be sure to crease your folds. --For the two small poofs, I cut 2 large sheets in half to make 4 smaller sheets (that's all I had -- oopsie -- a tad under prepared and over-excited).

Then, I wrapped and tied the middle with the ribbon I planned to hang it with. 

Next, I  separated each sheet from the other.

I forgot the rounding of the edges step on my big poof...yes, I was rushing.

After that, I carefully poofed each sheet. A few sheets were sacrificed by my hastiness.

And finally, I hung them above my little guy's changing table. Nice.

Yet another quick, inexpensive craft that you can even do half-assed and it still looks pretty neat. High-five.

<3 dani


  1. Bonus, not very dangerous if it falls on baby's head!

  2. I like it ! And I bet my grandson like's it too. I bet he says "A goo" !

  3. Love these! If you get a chance I'd love to have you link them up at Thanks for sharing!

  4. These are super cute!!! Love them! I'm your newest follower!

  5. What an amazing project! I think you have found a new use for tissue paper! Perfect for my back porch for spring.

    Thanks for linking to our "It's a Cinch" party.


  6. This is so great! Thanks for linking this too!

  7. I do love those poufs and imagine a whole ceiling full in my girls playroom! Glad you didn't subject your son to pink!!

    So glad you joined our Cinch party.


Drop me a line, a link or some good old fashioned love.