Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Blogger Ketchup

or do I mean 'catch up'?

First let me just say that I have much love for all of you hardcore bloggers out there. I really thought I did my research before starting this blogette (that's what I call a baby blog) and I was fairly confident I had the right tools to facilitate all things bloggy.


I had no idea about backgrounds or themes or dashboards.

Buttons? You mean the ones I pop off after a big dinner?

Linky Party? Seriously how do I get invited to one of these things!?

Features? Oh yeah, the Saturday night premiere movie on HBO. phew, knew that one.

Luckily, I'm a quick learner (and had a lot of time on my hands) and figured all those things out pretty quickly. In fact (speaking of features - toot toot), I've been featured two stinkin' times already. So awesome.

Bottle Cap Coasters

Book Page Wreath

At least I have the 'substance' part of this blog thing down. But there are still things I'm learning and, like usual, trying to do all on my own!

My blog header is one of those things. I've got it 'good enough' but that's just not good enough! It's pretty, but...well it's just pretty. It says nothing about this place. The wheels are still turnin'.

Another one of those things is my button. Even though I now know what a button is, I am still learning how to make one...that doesn't suck. I use the free program GIMP and for a n00b like me, it is totally not user friendly. I've come up with several buttons so far. One even ended up looking like someone else's out in blogland. A complete coincidence of course. I had never visited her site before, but that I definitely meant I had to fix mine, now!

So here's what I've come up with (for now):


It's still not good enough, but it's better than the last...ahem...four I've had. I know, four is a little crazy considering I haven't even been blogging for a month. But that just proves my point; my buttons are a little rough.

Slowly, but (almost) surely, I'm getting the hang of this. Bear with me, folks. Ima get this! (or Ima make one of my computer savvy friends do it for me!)

If you're a blogger, what were some of your unexpected issues when you first started blogging??

1 comment:

  1. As your almost blogging twin, I can say I am currently experiencing the exact same issues. Seriously, I don't even have a button. Partially cause I'm like "Who wants my button? There are like 20 people who know who I am, and what would any of them do with my button?" Plus, I'm kinda scared to royally screw it up. I love your new one though. It totally says "Look at me! I'm a real blogger!"


Drop me a line, a link or some good old fashioned love.